What are the requirements of automatic locking screw machine?

Techleader is professional аўтаматычная машына падачы шрубы,аўтаматычная машына блакавання шруб,robotic screw fastening system and аўтаматычная машына для закручвання шруб manufacturer from china.

Today we will talking about what are the requirements of automatic locking screw machine?

аўтаматычны фіксатар шрубы

аўтаматычны фіксатар шрубы

Although the аўтаматычны фіксатар шрубы has many advantages: high efficiency, high precision, high stability, many companies want to configure an automated assembly line, increasing productivity, but not all screws can be used to automatically block the machine. What type of screw can not block the pay? Automatic screw with mechanical screw, what type of order?

Requirements: quality and safety of the screws, such as volume, migraine, front part of the batch (burrs) and other self-locking screws, without damage.
Solution: With the continued development of Warwick automation technology company in recent years, “Nama Johnson” brand automatic screw machine is equipped with an automatic screen for screws, the screws will not cause the quality of the machine of cards, floating teeth, flower head!

Unable to respond to automatic locking screw to pay
1) The classification by type of screw head can be divided into: hexagonal internal, hexagonal, round, flat, without head, flat, round teeth in machinery, threaded, і г.д.. The basic round screw M2-M10 can be used to automatically lock the screw of the machine, hexagonal, the external hexagonal screws mainly depend on the specifications of the screw, the basic screws M1.2-M4 can be locked. The captive screws, flat head and flat head, because they can not use the suction screw or blower supply, so they can not use the automatic closing machine.
2) According to the screw with a seal distinction: a screw washer of the body, the washers can rotate the screw type, the screw of the washer and the screws can be locked so that the payment stamp can see the shape of a rotating screw. Use the self-locking screw machine, you can change the screwing process. Warwick engineers will work with clients to discuss the change to meet the customer’s blocking requirements.

The automatic closing machine must pay attention to safety regulations:
First, do not force the machine to operate safely a device designed to operate in the speed range.
Second, in the specified use environment, humidity is 60%; Temperature requirements: 20 ~ 40.
In third place, the maintenance of the equipment when dismantling some components, must turn off the machine and guarantee the monitoring.
Fourth, you are allowed to change the warning signs of the self-locking screw machine, and timely replacement of blurred see marking.

For more about аўтаматычны фіксатар шрубы,you can pay a visit at https://www.automatedfl.com/product-category/automatic-screw-locking-machine/

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Techleader - гэта брэнд Huizhou Shengyang Industrial Co., Ltd.

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