Преимущества использования автоматических шнековых питателей на предприятиях

Техлидер - профессионал автоматический шнековый питатель,автомат для запирания винтов,роботизированная система крепления винтов и автомат для затяжки винтов производитель из китая.

Сегодня мы поговорим о преимуществах использования шнекового питателя на предприятиях..

Automatic Screw Fedder Machine

Automatic Screw Fedder Machine

Many companies devote their procedures to the production of electronic components, as well as specialized parts. The curious thing about these companies, is that the components have screws and must have a screwing process that can be manual or automated.

тем не мение, many forget that for the automation and speeding up of the screwing process, not only should machinery be provided that facilitates the process of securing the screw, but also machinery that orders, places and maintains the screws in a perfect dispensing chain That will be used.

Production increases greatly with the use of specialized distribution machinery

By allowing the machine to select and organize the screws, they will enter a kind of production belt. As the screws are collected and organized on this tape, they can be ejected in several ways:

By means of a dispenser that is in charge of delivering a counted fixed amount of screws for the use of each part as programmed

By direct pressure to a manual screwdriver machine, where the technician will be in charge of placing the screws dispensed one after the other, and these will continue to arrive (much like a stapler)

Finally by organized automatic dispensing, to an automatic screwing machine as well. By means of a magnetized tip, the screw is picked up by the machine and screwed. The process will be repeated until the task is finished or the screws run out.

The fact of having a machinery that performs this continuous procedure uninterruptedly, allows the staff to be assigned to different areas in the company. С этим, the assembly area will be less busy and the screwing process will be greatly accelerated.

An автоматический шнековый питатель is an investment for the future

In an active investment at its best. This investment can be considered at an expensive time by many companies, тем не мение, you must take into account the advantages that it ends up bringing. The use of this machinery will greatly reduce the use of personnel in an area. With less staff, there will be fewer payments to be made, and in turn the products will have a much better production cost, resulting in better profits for the company.

Следуя этому, since it has only a 0.01% error, it ends up having an almost null possibility of product damage. This mass production without errors, is reflected in products of better quality and easier acquisition for customers.

Окончательно, there is the speed of distribution of the components. Since this machine has the possibility of adjusting the dispensing speed, the screwing process will be greatly streamlined. A continuous and fast production translates into more products, and if everything is handled automatically, we will have a machine that is error-proof, capable of completing a complete screwing process in an ultra-fast way and maintaining an enormous quality.

В этом случае, that initial investment that can be considered an economic blow, ends up paying according to calculations in just half a year, and leaving a machine life of many additional years

это увеличение, как правило, достигается за счет увеличения скорости вращения винтов. автоматический шнековый питатель,это увеличение, как правило, достигается за счет увеличения скорости вращения винтов. https://www.automatedfl.com/product-category/automatic-screw-locking-machine/

это увеличение, как правило, достигается за счет увеличения скорости вращения винтов.

это увеличение, как правило, достигается за счет увеличения скорости вращения винтов.

Techleader - это торговая марка Huizhou Shengyang Industrial Co., ООО.

Huizhou Shengyang Industrial Co., ООО. специализируется на R&D и производство электронного оборудования, производство оборудования для автоматизации. Наши продукты, в том числе автоматический шнековый питатель,автомат для запирания винтов,роботизированная система винтового крепления,автомат для затяжки винтов Автоматический питатель турбинного обдува, Координатная машина, Автоматический дозатор, Перистальтический дозатор, Автоматическая машина для розлива клея, Автоматическая паяльная машина,Линия для светодиодной производственной автоматизации и сборка электронной автоматизации. Мы работаем с нашими продуктами под нашим собственным брендом Techleader для наших клиентов по всему миру, а также делаем много OEM&ODM производство для наших клиентов.

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Человек: Джеймс Юань
Компания: Huizhou Shengyang Industrial Co., ООО
Добавлять: Здание D,Промышленная зона Цзиньтайян,Xingye Road,Чжункайский район,Хуэйчжоу,Гуандун,Китай
Тел.: 86-752-6682869
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